English Language Teachers’ Burnout, School Climate, Satisfaction and Efficacy: A Predictive Mediation Model

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics, Department of English Language Teaching, Farhangian Teacher Education University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Educational Administration, Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian Teacher Education University, Tehran, Iran



Research on stress-causing variables in the teaching profession often documents an interplay between teacher burnout and its correlates. This study brings forth concerns about the contribution of teacher/school climate, job satisfaction and self-efficacy as the hypothesized predictors of occupational burnout among EFL teachers. Using multiple regression analyses, a descriptive correlational model was examined against the survey data collected from a sample of 198 Iranian EFL teachers. The results showed significant inverse relations between dimensions of teacher/school climate and dimensions of burnout, showing teacher/school climate as a significant negative predictor of burnout (p <.05, R2=.20, β=-.447). The results also revealed the significant role of teacher satisfaction and teacher self-efficacy in predicting aspects of burnout (p <.05). The two variables were also found as mediator of the effect of teaching climate on dimensions of burnout, showing a perspective of interaction between contextual factors and individual resources. Given the effects of teacher/school contextual stressors and their direct or indirect influence on teachers’ vulnerability to burnout syndrome, the implications of the findings are discussed in view of teacher training and intervention programs.
