The Predicative Role of Metacognitive Awareness in Teachers’ Cognition on Noticing Concept

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in Applied Linguistics, Preparatory Studies Center, University of Technology and Applied Linguistics, Shinas, Oman


Teachers’ cognition, as an important entity in determining the level of efficient teaching, has been the target of recent studies. Metacognitive awareness is also claimed to be the manifestation of the underlining cognition. Therefore, this study took a new move in the area of teacher cognition research. It integrated teaching experience, one of the main factors of cognitive/metacognitive building blocks, in language noticing. It also managed to perceive the relation between teachers’ cognition and metacognitive awareness, taking experience into account.  For this, at first, Noticing Concept Inventory (NCI) was given to 60 experienced and novice teachers, then the same teachers took teacher metacognitive awareness Inventory (MALT). The independent sample t-test confirmed the role of teaching experience in conceptualizing noticing; in the next statistical step, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Regression Analysis detected the relation between teachers’ cognitive status and metacognitive awareness. Experienced teachers were found to be more metacognitively aware hence holding up higher level of noticing cognition. In the final step, the ANOVA pertained the procedural knowledge, as a metacognitive component, actively involved in the teachers’ noticing cognition. Findings illustrated the key role of teaching experience in forming and modifying teachers’ cognition on noticing. 


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