Wh-acquisition: A Cross-linguistic Comparison of Persian and English

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, Department of English Language & Literature, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics, Department of Foreign Languages, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran



This research aimed to provide insights into L1 acquisition with respect to the formation of Wh-questions by a Persian and an English child. Similarities and differences concerning the variety of patterns produced (both adult-like and non-adult-like) and the frequency and emergence order of each pattern/ Wh-word were taken into consideration. For this purpose, data from an English and a Persian child were analyzed. Based on the findings, it is argued that the Persian grammar licenses a wider range of Wh-questions patterns. Besides, unlike the prevalent in-situ state of the Wh-structure in Persian, the present study indicated it to be mostly Wh-fronted in the data production of the child at the specified developmental stages. Moreover, the English child exhibited more instances of non-adult production which can be justified by the higher complexity of the structure in English, as it demands both dislocation of the Wh-word and inversion. Implications of the study are discussed.
