Mapping the Antecedents of Foreign Language Enjoyment in Online Education: A Qualitative Diary Analysis

Document Type : Original Article


Department of English Language, University of Birjand


The present study set out to chart the experience of Foreign Language Enjoyment (FLE) and its antecedents in online education settings using the genealogy of emotion (Zembylas, 2002, 2008) as the theoretical framework. To fulfill this aim, e-learners in EFL classes were asked to keep emotion diaries for a semester-long period. The emotion diaries reporting the experience of FLE were then analyzed using Pekrun’s (2014) taxonomy of emotions in connection to FLE including achievement-related FLE, epistemically-related FLE, topic-related FLE, and socially-related FLE. Analysis of results indicated that teachers, peers, and family members were the main sources of FLE in the social category. Additionally, achievement in exams and classroom tasks and activities, topics related to students’ local cultural and social context, in conjunction with cognitively demanding tasks and questions that required learners to struggle over finding the answers were reported as other antecedents of enjoyment in online setting. It was discussed that Pekrun’s model (2014) is a good fit for the analysis of the origin of single emotions like FLE as the previous data-driven analyses missed out on some of the main antecedents of FLE. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications were discussed especially for teachers.


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