Translation Assessment of Legal Discursive Structures in JCPOA

Document Type : Original Article


Department of English Translation, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran



This study aimed to examine the translation of legal discourse structures in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and their impact on the creation, maintenance, and alteration of power relations. The researchers used Fairclough's model for this study. The findings indicated that the Persian translated text (SL) contained some untranslated text, which was an omission strategy. Consequently, this omission resulted in translation errors. The discourse practice level error analysis revealed that the Persian translation had an error rate of 11%, which was statistically significant (P>0.05) for the Persian translation. On the other hand, the social practice level demonstrated that English terms and words were used in the Persian translation without explanation. However, according to Fairclough's model of CDA, there was a significant difference between the discourse knowledge produced by the Persian and English legal discourse structures of JCPOA. This variation was 6.00% for English verbs (30.8% English versus 24.8% Persian) and 1.6% for English adjectives/adverbs/nouns (13.8% English versus 12.2% Persian). The study discovered that there was a significant difference between the knowledge produced by English and Persian legal discourse in the official Persian translation of JCPOA, based on Fairclough's model (including genre, discourse, and style).
