Reliability and Factorial Study of Writing Self-Regulation Inventory in Iranian EFL Context

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer in Applied Linguistics, Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Arak University, Arak, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics, Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Arak University, Arak, Iran


This research attempted to examine the underlying construct of writing self-regulation inventory extrapolated to Iranian EFL university context. A total sample of 116 sophomore EFL university learners attending essay writing course participated in this study. They were asked to do an in-class writing task assignment and immediately fill in an inventory. Pearson product-moment correlation and confirmatory factor analysis procedure using principal component analysis were applied to ascertain the relationships among the variables and construct validity of the instrument, respectively. The inventory yielded a strong internal consistency as to make the results of the present study reliable and to prove replication studies justifiable. The highest overall means and internal consistency reliability estimates were recorded both for goal subscale. However, achievement on task was negatively associated with cognitive, meta-cognitive, motivational, and behavioral dimensions of writing self-regulation. The results of factor analysis disclosed that goal, efficacy, meta-cognitive, cognitive, motivational, and behavioral variables are loaded on a single component; that is, they measured the same underlying theoretical construct. On the whole, the findings imply that the construct of writing self-regulation is consistent in EFL university context.


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