Effects of Corrective Feedback on Iranian EFL Learner’s Uptake and Attention

Document Type : Original Article


1 No.68,Khazar dead alley,Karkhe alley,Taavon3 St,GhadirAvenue,Sepehanshahr

2 University of Isfahan



The purpose of the present research was to investigate if the type of feedback significantly affected EFL learners’ uptake. In addition, it aimed to search if feedback could lead to more learners’ attention in EFL classes. The participants were 60 EFL learners. The data were obtained from classroom observations in addition to running a test. In order to investigate the effects of teachers’ CF on learners’ uptake, the current study employed Lyster and Mori’s (2006) taxonomy of CF types and learners’ immediate uptake moves. All episodes which included learner errors were identified by the researcher. Then, instances with teacher feedback were extracted. In order to investigate the amount of uptake by the participants, an uptake sheet was utilized. the uptake sheet was facile and easy to understand. Corrective feedback and uptake were coded and tabulated. It was shown that recasts were the most highly frequent type of feedback followed by explicit correction and prompts. In addition, the frequency of uptakes followed by recast was higher than the uptakes followed by explicit correction and prompts. The results of Anova Test revealed a significant difference among various amounts of uptake followed by different types of feedback (p >.034).
